multi-sensor sap flow system
- A low cost, all-in-one, system to measure multiple sap flow sensors and critical environmental variables including vapour pressure deficit, solar radiation, soil moisture and soil CO2 concentration
- Measure high rates (up to 200 cm / hr), low rates and reverse rates of sap flow with a heat pulse velocity sensor
- The system is pre-programmed, pre-packaged and ready to be installed at your field site
- Free Excel-based software to convert heat velocity to sap velocity and sap flow
- Optional remote download over the internet, with remote access to data logger to change parameters, available
related products
- Heat pulse velocity sap flow sensors
- Weather sensors
- Soil moisture sensors
- Dendrometers
- Leaf temperature
- Plant water potential
related articles
sap flow sensors
The Multi-Sensor Sap Flow System supports the heat pulse velocity sensors manufactured by Implexx Sense which is the only sensor available that can accurately measure:
- total tree sap flow
- transpiration
- stem water content and
- stem temperature.
The Implexx Sap Flow Sensor is widely used because it is the following unique features:
- It is the only digital, SDI-12 sap flow sensor available. This allows you to maximise the number of sap flow sensors in your study, for replication and statistical power, while minimising costs of overhead items such as data loggers, solar panels etc;
- The only sap flow method that measures the entire range of observable plant sap flow;
- Requires low power and is easy to maintain;
- It outputs additional parameters for the estimation of stem water content;
- You have the option to access data over the internet; and
- If removed carefully, are multi-use sensors with many years longevity whereas other sap flow sensors are only single use.
meteorological sensors
Edaphic Scientific can configure your Multi-Sensor Sap Flow System to have a range of meteorological variables that are critical for understanding sap flow dynamics.
Parameters include:
- Solar radiation
- Temperature
- Relative humidity
- Vapour pressure deficit (VPD)
- Penman-Monteith evapotranspiration
- Sonic wind speed & direction
- Rainfall
The sensors can be installed close to the plant’s canopy to characterise the environment the plant is experiencing and the energy that is driving sap flow. Alternatively, the sensors can be installed according to World Meteorological Organisation guidelines for traditional meteorological data collection.
More information on our range of meteorological sensors.
soil moisture and CO2 sensors
Edaphic Scientific can configure your Multi-Sensor Sap Flow System to measure soil moisture at one or more depths in the soil profile.
The Multi-Sensor Sap Flow System can also monitor soil CO2 concentration, carbon dynamics and respiration with the Eosense CO2 sensors.
Single sensor or profile probes can be installed to measure the following parameters:
Parameters include:
- Volumetric soil water content
- Soil temperature
- Soil electrical conductivity / salinity
- Soil CO2 concentration
More information on our range of soil moisture sensors.
data logger & remote access
The Multi-Sensor Sap Flow System is built around Campbell Scientific’s CR1000 data logger. The CR1000 is a versatile, advanced data logger that can support up to 48 x analog channels (with a multiplexer), numerous pulse channel and digital channels.
Edaphic Scientific can configure and program the CR1000 for your specific requirements. The CR1000 is delivered in an environmentally weather proof, lockable enclosure with optional solar panel power supply.
Data can be downloaded directly from the CR1000 with a USB cable. Alternatively, Edaphic Scientific can provide remote, telemetry access to your data logger. Data can be accessed from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. SMS and email alarms and alerts can also be configured with the CR1000 data logger.
More information on our range of data loggers.