A new generation of sap flow sensors

Sap Flow Sensor and Meter

Advancements in sap flow research are set to become more accessible and precise with the introduction of next-generation sensor technology. Developed by leading scientists and engineers at Implexx Sense, the Implexx Sap Flow Sensor Gen 2 is specifically designed for researchers. Its miniaturized design and cost-effectiveness offer significant benefits by increasing sample size and replication, ultimately enhancing the quality of research outputs published in top-tier international journals.

This technology will benefit a wide range of professionals, including plant physiologists, hydrologists, engineers, consultants, and students, as well as any researchers interested in plant water relations. Key features of the Implexx Sap Flow Sensor Gen 2 include:

  • Granier TDP thermal dissipation sap flow sensorComprehensive sap flow measurement: The sensor can measure the entire spectrum of sap flow, from reverse (negative) flow to zero, as well as slow and extremely fast flow rates. It is the only commercially available heat pulse sensor capable of capturing these variations.
  • Simultaneous parameter measurement: The Implexx sensor can concurrently measure sap flow, sap flux density, heat velocity, stem temperature, and stem water content, providing a comprehensive understanding of plant water relations.
  • Versatile application across plant sizes: The sensor can be used on plants with stem diameters of at least 1.5 cm, ranging from tree saplings and herbaceous plants to the largest trees like redwoods and mountain ash.
  • Cost-effective scalability: The affordability of the sensors allows for potential expansion of sample sizes by two or threefold, depending on the experimental design. This increased replication enhances statistical robustness, leading to higher-quality publications in leading journals.
  • SDI-12 digital output compatibility: The sensors are compatible with existing data loggers, offering flexibility in integration with current setups. For users needing a complete system, Implexx Sense also provides fully assembled solutions, including sensors, pre-programmed loggers, and internet connectivity.


These advancements position the Implexx Sap Flow Sensor Gen 2 as a valuable tool for enhancing research in plant water dynamics and improving the quality of data collected in field and laboratory settings.

The benefits of the Implexx Sap Flow Sensor Gen 2 have already been recognised by the best scientists around the world. Currently, the sensor is being used by researchers at the University of California, University of Arizona, USDA, and many more, in the USA, Chinese Academy of Science and Lanzhou University in China, TU Braunschweig, WSL, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, University of Helsinki, and more, in Europe, CSIRO, Griffith University, University of Queensland, and more, in Australia. The Implexx Sap Flow Sensor Gen 2 is also deployed in many other countries including Chile, Colombia, Brazil, India, South Africa, Japan, and South Korea.


which model? IX-SF30 or IX-SF60?

There are two models of the Implexx Sap Flow Sensor Gen 2: the IX-SF30 and IX-SF60.

  • IX-SF30 model: a 30 mm long sensor with two measurement points.


  • IX-SF60 model: a 60 mm long sensor with five measurement points.

Both models use the same sap flow method (Dual Method Approach, DMA) to estimate sap flow, sap flux density, and stem water content. The difference between the models is the length of the needles: 30 mm versus 60 mm.

The 30 mm model is ideal for smaller trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, or trees with a narrow sapwood depth. The 30 mm model is also ideal for juvenile plants and tree saplings.

The 60 mm model is ideal for large trees or trees with a wide sapwood depth.

heat ratio method (HRM) sap flow meter


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