soil nutrient analyzer

benchtop photometer for N-P-K analysis


  • Quantify ammonia, nitrate, phosporus and potassium of water or soil solution
  • Low cost, easy to use, high accuracy meter
  • Technology based on photometry
  • Ideal for researchers, growers and environmental managers
  • In-built, rechargeable battery for field measurements

The Nutrient Analyzer Photometer is designed to measure key nutrients for researchers, growers and environmental managers - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

The Nutrient Analyzer Photometer is a multiparameter laboratory bench meter that measures twelve methods in low, medium and high ranges essential for monitoring greenhouse and hydroponics operations.  It’s three channels allow for a wide range of tests.

The  Nutrient Analyzer Photometer is a specialised type of absorbance spectrometer, or photometer, based on special subminiature tungsten lamps and narrow-band interference filters to guarantee both high performance and reliable results.

The Nutrient Analyzer Photometer has powerful interactive user support that assists the user during the analysis process. A full tutorial is available in the Setup Menu, and the Help Menu provides assistance for every step in the measurement process.  This meter can be connected to a PC via a USB cable, where the data can be managed with optional HI 92000 Windows® compatible software.

specifications & manual

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